Haddad and Ellis Family Trees

Thank you for visiting! Here are HADDAD AND ELLIS FAMILY TREES which we compiled from information that has been collected at various reunions, family gatherings, and email requests over the years.  We hope that everyone in your family will enjoy navigating through the trees and take the opportunity to reminisce and reconnect.  Family trees will give your children an interest in their own background, in the important people in their family, and in their rich cultural history.  This tree includes two big connected branches -- the Haddad family and Ellis family from Jib Jannine and Ain Arab, Lebanon. Feel free to print any part of your family tree.
Navigation Search Tips – using tabs at the top of each page:
SURNAME INDEX - Search by your last name to find and click on yourself. Females are listed by their maiden names. If you are a spouse of a Descendant, your information will be limited, so check out your spouse or your children for a more interactive experience.
After you have found yourself in the Surname Index, click on these:
ANCESTORS LIST - Make sure to go here! Wonderful link where you can click on the green arrows to see more of your ancestors, and click on their names to see more details about them.
DESCENDANTS LIST- Click, click, click on everything to keep exploring. You can also get to this same page quickly by clicking on the Haddad or Ellis Descendants tabs at the top of each page.  Additionally, if you would like to focus on just a portion of the tree, you can use the plus and minus signs in front of individuals' names, in order to collapse or expand portions of the tree.
Please Send to Kristi Ellis Mahan at: HaddadEllisTrees@gmail.com
Any corrections, additions, and/or deletions to the current information published.
Any changes to your email address.
Update contacts, including first, middle, maiden, and last names, and even a nickname.
Update births - name, date, and place.
Update deaths - name, date, and place.
Update marriages - names, date, and place.
Update divorces - names and date.
Biography notes - Some deceased relatives have biography notes, so if you wish to add any notes to deceased relatives, please send the information to us.
There will be frequent updates based on the information you send us.  There are almost 1,000 names on these trees, so we expect many updates from you.  If anything is confusing to you, please let us know and we will be happy to help you!
Below are links to a two-part interview of Nathan Haddad in 1971 by Charles Williamson, a member of the Oral History Association of America.  It is quite long, but it will definitely give you a realistic perspective of what all of our ancestors went through to leave the Old Country with little knowledge of the language and few tangible assets, in search for a better future.  Nathan's success story as an immigrant was entered into the Congressional Record in 1965 by the Honorable John Slack, Jr. of WV.  Enjoy!
Nathan Haddad Interview, part 1 of 2 (1971)
Nathan Haddad Interview, part 2 of 2 (1971)